Monday 3 July 2017

If you have a mole on one of these 7 places You will be surprised by what they mean!

Moles are common for every person to have them all over their body no matter where they appear, although some can have a special meaning.

You can find out what your moles mean according to their position. Some of them are related to a family fortune and some are related to a person’s health.

1. Mole on the Upper Lip.

A mole on the upper lip represents a person who is charismatic, persuasive, and charming, especially with the opposite sex.

2. Mole on the Feet. 

Having a mole on the soles of your feet means that you are a traveler, you enjoy traveling and experiencing new cuisines. Also, people having mole on the feet are popular in the workplace and they can be good leaders of their team.

3. Mole on the Palm of Hand.

Having mole on the inside of your palm gives an indication that you will never have financial problems. This is what makes people having a mole on the palm of their hands good with economy and they can easily handle a leadership position.

4. Mole on the Cheeks.

A mole on the left cheek tells of a person who is generous, kind-hearted, sympathetic, and easy to get on with. They enjoy light-hearted flirting and remain young at heart.

A mole on the right cheek means the person need to watch his or her tongue. The person tends to be disrespectful and may have a habit of giving away secrets and enjoying a good gossip.

5. Eyebrow.

A mole located within the eye brow means abundant wealth.

A mole above the eyebrow is a good sign as there is wealth luck in your life but you need to work harder than most people in order to achieve it. Be careful as there are many people who are jealous of you, try not to be too trusting of others.

A mole below the eyebrow is another prominent position as the owner is said to be attractive and sexy to the opposite gender. This mole is also called the ‘philanderer’s mole’.

A mole at the end of the eyebrow suggests a person of authority and power.

6. Moles on the Temple.

Travel opportunities are linked with this mole position. People having a mole on the temple enjoy traveling no matter whether it is for a job or a travel for pleasure.

7. Forehead.

A mole on the forehead provides focus, drive, and energy, thus enhances the person’s career. However, its not considered nearly as fortunate when comes to love and romance as the person may neglect this side of life because he is so focused on career success.

A mole in the center of the forehead indicates the ability for making money, but the person has a very bad temper.

A mole on the left side of the forehead indicates a person who thinks and worries too much.

A mole on the right side of the forehead is a sign of wealth after the age of 30

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